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  Season 2, Episode 1:  Sophomoric   Origin al Air Date —26 Sept ember 1999  Felicity s tarts her second year at college with a pos sible new re lationship,  and the aftermath of her d ecisio  n to  cope with.  Elsewhere, housing shortages cau se unusual  living arrangemen ts.  ------ -----------------------  ------------------ --------- ------ ------------------  Season 2,  Episode 2:  The List  Orig inal Air Date—3 O ctober 1999     Ben  worries  about Felicity 9;s expecta tions of him, Sean an d Julie  throw a  party, and  Felicity  tries unsuccessfu  lly to co unsel one of her  charges.  ------ -------------------------------- ------------ ----------- -------------------  Seas on 2, Episode 3 : An cient  History   Original Air Date—10  Octo ber 1999    Felicity& #39;s decision about her hair lead  s to even  more life  changes, Juli e looks for  an  apartment, a nd Noel takes an art class.  -----  ------------ ------------ ---------------------------------------- ----  -------  Seas on 2, Episod e 4: The Depths  Original Air Date—17 October 1999  A stalled subway train forces Felicity an d Julie to   confron t each ot her, Noel and Ruby go to an art sh ow, and Ben stands  up to a client.  - ---------  --------  --------------------------------------------------------  ------  Sea son 2, Epi sode 5: Crash   Ori ginal Air Date—24 October 199  9  N oel and Elena be come ob  sessed with a video gam e, Felicity goes out on  a bl ind date s  et up by her professor, and Ben is con fused by Maggie's actions.  ------------ ------ ---------  -------- -------- --------------- ----------------------  Season 2, Episode 6: The Lo ve Bug  Original Air Date—7 November 1999   Felic ity, Ben, a nd Noel each deal w ith uncerta inti es i n their individu al relationships, and Mono hits   campus  just in time f or mid-terms.  ------------------------------------------------------------ -----  ---------------  Season 2, Episode 7:  Getting Lucky  Original Air D ate—14 No vember 1999  A s  tray dog Felici   ty picks up on the street i mpinges on e veryon  e's lives, and pr ovides her wit h plenty of excuses for not taking the next step w ith David .  --- ------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- --  Season 2, Episode  8: Family Affairs  Original Air Dat e—21 November  1999  H oliday gatherings are difficul t for Felicity a nd Ben. Ben, beca use he has to w ork a pa rty given by Magg ie's husband, a nd Felicity feels pressure f rom an unexpected fa mily visit and from Da vid.   ---------- -------------------------------- -------------- --------------- ---------  Seaso n 2, Episode 9:  Portraits  Ori ginal Air Da te—19 December 19 99   Felicity and Noe  l struggle against feelings  for e ach other while worrying how their actio ns will affect their gra de, Ruby makes a surprise visit , Julie  meets a mu sic producer, and Be n is o n short-time to   complete a final in Amer ican  Lit.   ----- -------------------- ---- --------------------- ----- -------------- -----------   Season 2, Episode 10: Gr eat Expecta tions   Original Air D ate—16 January 20  00  Felicit y's father a ccepts a p osition in town,  and hi s never-ending p resence begin s to grate , Ben reconsiders his de cisi on about Felicity, and Julie be gins to doubt the intentions of E  rik.  --------------- ------------- ------------ --------- ----------- --------------------  Season 2, Epi sode 11: Help fo r the L ovelor n   Origin al Air D  ate—23 Jan  uary 2000   This e pisode, a t ribute to T he Twil ight Zon e, follows Felicity as she tries to he al her broken heart and  strange doings  at Th e Clinic.   --- ---- -------  ----------------  ------------ --------  ---------------------------- --  Sea son 2, Epi sode 12: T he Slump  Orig inal A  ir Date—6  Februa ry 2000  Ben an d Felicity a re forced into c ounseli ng for their prank at the po ol, Elena gets a new lab partner , and Noel& #39;s  argument with Ruby  is more serious than he t hough t.  -------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- ----- -------------  Seas on 2, Episode 13: Trut  h or Consequences  Original Air Date—1  3 February 200  0  ------------ ----------  ----- -------------- ----- --------- -------------------------  Season 2, Episode 14: True Co lors  Ori ginal Air  Date—20 February 2000   ---  ------------ ------------------ -------- ------ ----- ------------- ---------------  Sea son 2, Episode 15: Things C hange  Orig inal Air Da te—27 Februa  ry 20 00  -------------------- ----------- ---------- -------- ------------------------- ------  S  eason 2  , Episode 16: Revo lutions  Or  iginal Air Date—5 April 2000  ----------------------- ----------- -------------------------- --------------------  Season 2,  Episode  17: Docuventary I I  Orig inal Air Date—12 April 2000  ---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --   Season 2, Epis ode 18: Party Lines  Original Air Date—19 April 2000< br/>  ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -----  Season 2, Episode 19: R unning Mates   Original  Air Date—26 April 2000  - ------------------------- ----------------------- --------- --------- ----- ------ --   Seaso  n 2, Episode 20: Ben   Was Here  Original Air Date—3 May 2000  ------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------- ---- ----------  Season 2, Episode 21:  The Are  tha Theory  Ori ginal Air Date—10 May  2000  ------------------ ---------------------------- ------------ ----------------- -----  Se ason 2, Epis ode 22: Fina l Answer  Original Air Date—17 May 200 0   --- ----------------------------- --------------- -----  ----- ---------------- ---- ---  Se ason 2, Episode 23: The Biggest Deal T here Is  Original Air D ate—24 M ay 2000  安画有些意兴阑珊地摘下一个储物戒指,“驻地里的传送宝盒被洪叔带走了,这件  事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘 密留言了 ,所以,他那边失却的东西,我管不了,这里 的……是我们收集的  各方资料,你好 好看,也许对你有用。” 收起


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