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  Season 2, E pisod e 1: Sophomo ric  Original Air Da  te—26 Se ptember 1999  F elicity starts her second year at co llege with   a possible  new rela tionship, and th e aftermath of her decision t o cope w  ith. Elsewhe re, hous ing s hortages cause unusual  living arran gements .  - ---------- ------------- ------------------------------------- ----------- --------    Season 2  , Episode 2: The Lis t  Origi nal Air Date—3 October 19 99  Ben worries about Felicity's expecta tions of him, Sean and Julie thro  w a party, and Felicity tries unsuccessfully to counsel one of her charges.  -------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- ------------  Season 2, Episode  3: Ancien t History    Original Air  Date—10 O ctober 1 999   Felicity's decision about her  hair leads  to even   more life changes, Julie looks for a n apartmen t, and Noel takes an art class.  ------ ------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ------- -----  S eason 2, Ep  isod e 4: The Depths  Origi nal Air Date—17 October   1999   A s talled subway train forces Fel icity  and Julie  to confront each other, Noel and R uby go t o an art show, and Ben  stands up to a clie nt.  ----------------------------  ------ ----- ------  ------ ----------- ------  ----------- -  Season 2,  Episode 5 : Crash  Origina  l Ai r Date—24 October 1999  Noel and Elena become ob sessed with   a video game, Felicity  goes out o n a blind d ate set up by her professor, and B en is c  onfused  by M aggie's  actions.  ----- ---------- ---------------------------- -----------  ------------   --------------  Season 2, Episode 6: The Love Bug  Or  iginal Air   Date—7   Nove mber 1999  Felicit y, Ben, and Noel each  deal with u ncert aint  ies  in their  individual r  elationsh ips, an d Mono hi ts campus just i n time for  mid-terms .  --- --------------------- -------- ------------------------------- -----------------   Season 2,  Episode 7: Getting Lucky  Original Air Date—14 November 1999  A stray do g Felicity picks up on the street impinges on everyo ne's lives,  and provid es her with pl enty of excu ses f or not tak ing the next step with David.  ---------------------- ----- ----------------- -------------------- ----- -------- ---  Season 2, E pisode 8: Family  Affairs  Origina l Air Date—21 November 1999  Holiday  gatherings are difficult f or Felicity and  Ben. Ben , bec ause he has to work a p arty giv en by Maggi e's husband, and Felici  ty feels pressur e from an unexpec ted family visit a nd from Davi d.  --------  -------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------  Seaso n 2, Episode 9: Portraits   Original Ai  r Da te—19 December 19  99  Fe licity and Noel struggle against feeli  ngs for each  other while worryi ng how the ir actions will affect their gra de, Ruby makes a sur prise visit, Julie meets a music p  roducer,  and Ben is on short-tim e to compl  ete   a final in American Lit.  ------ --------- ------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ------------  Season 2, Episode 1 0: Great Expect ations  Original Air Date—16 January 200 0  Felicity's  fathe r accepts   a position in town, and his never-en  ding presenc e begins to grate, Ben reconsi ders his decis ion ab out Felic ity, and Julie begins  to doubt  the inten tions  of  Erik.   -------  ---------------- ------------------ ----------- ----------------------------  Season 2  , Episode  11: Help for the Lo velorn  O riginal A ir Dat e—23 January 2000  This episode, a tri bute to The Twilight Zone, follows  Felicity as she tries to  heal h er brok en heart  and strange doings at The Clinic.  --- ---------- ------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------  Season 2, Episode 12: The Slump  Origina l Air Date—6 Februa ry 2000   Ben and Felicity are fo rced into c ounseling for th eir pran k at the pool, Elena gets a new lab partner, and Noel';s argument with Ruby is more serious than he though  t.  -- ------------------------------------------------ ---- ------------ --------------   Season 2, E pisode 13: Trut h or Consequences  Original Air Date—13 February 2000< br/>  ----- ------------ ------------------- ------------------------------  --------------  Season 2,  Episode 14: True Colors  Original Air Date—20 Fe bruary 2000  -- ---------------- ------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------    Season 2, Episode 1 5: Thin gs Change  Original Air Date—2 7 February  2000  --- ------------ ----- ---------- ---------------------- -------- ----------- -----  ----   Se ason 2, Ep  isode 16: Revolutio ns   Origi  nal Air Date—5 April 2000  ----------- ------------------------------------ -----  --------------- -------------  Season 2, Episode 17: Doc  uventary II   Or  iginal Air Date—12 April  2000  ----------   --------------------- ------------------ ------  ------- ------- -----------    Seas on 2, Episode  18: Part  y Lines  Original Air Date—19 A pril 2000  -  ------------ -------------- ---------- ----------------------------- --------------  Sea son 2, Epi sode 19: Running Mates  Original Air Date— 26 April 2000  ------- ------ -------- ------- ------------ ------------ ---------------- -------- ----  Season  2, Episode 20: B en Was Her e  Orig inal Air Date— 3 May 2000  ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----- -----------  Season 2, Epi sode 21: The Areth a Theory   Original Air  Date—10 M ay 2000  ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------  Se ason 2, Episode  22: Fina l Answer  Original A ir Date—17  May 2000  - --------------------------------- --------------- --------- ----------------------  Season 2, Episod e 23: The Biggest Deal There Is   Orig  inal Ai r Date—24  May 2000   她朝两边的贵宾席和下面 的看台,团团一揖,“佐蒙人是肯定要杀我的,他们善用渗透之法,所以 ,林蹊在此 恳请诸位前辈,诸位  道友,看在我也算为仙界立 过一点功劳的份上 ,一起监督一下 ,在我未晋天仙之前,不要让任何人 ,以任何理由,打断我在刑 堂的工作。  收起


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