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  Season 2, Epis  ode 1: Sophomoric   Original Air Date—26 Sept ember 1999  F elicity starts her se cond year at college with a possible new relationship, and the aftermath of her decision to cope with. Elsewhere,  housing shortages cause unusual living arrang ements  .  -----------------  --------- ----------------  --------------------------------- -----  Season 2, Episode 2: The List  Original Air Date—3 October 1999   Ben wor ries ab out  Felicit y's e xpectations of him, Sean and Julie  throw a party, a nd Felicity  tries unsu  ccessfully to counsel one of her charges.  -- ------ ----------------------- ---- ---------------------- -----------------------   Season 2, Episode 3: Ancien  t History  Original Ai r Da te—10 Octob er 1999  Felicity' ;s decision  about her hai r leads to eve n more life changes, Julie looks for an apartmen t, and Noel takes an art class.   ------------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------------------- ------------------ --  Se ason 2, Epi  sode 4: The Depths  Original A  ir Da te—17 October 1999  A stalled  subway train forces Felicity and Ju lie to c onfront each other, N oel and Ruby go to a n art s how, and Ben stands up to a clie nt.   ---------------- --------------------------------------- ----------  ----- ----------  Season 2, Epis ode 5: Cr  ash    Original  Air Date—24 October 1999  Noel and Elena b ecome obses sed   with a v  ideo game,  Felicity   goes out on a blind dat e se t up by  her professor, an d Ben is confused by  Maggie&#39;s actio  ns.   ------ -------- ---------------------- --------------- -----------------------------  Sea son 2, Episode 6: The Love Bug  O riginal Air Date—7 N  ovember 1999  Fel   icity, Ben  , and Noel  each   deal with uncert ainties in their individual relation ships, and Mono hits campus j  ust in time for mi d-terms.    ---- ------------------------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------  -  Season 2, Episode 7: Getting Lucky  Origina  l Air Date—14 Novembe r 1999  A stra y dog Felic  ity picks up on  the street impinges on everyone&#  39;s lives, and provi des her with plenty of excuses for not t  aking the next st ep with David.  --------------- -------------------------- ----------- ---------------------- ------< br/>  Season 2, Episod  e 8: Family Affairs  O rigina l Air Date—21 Nov ember 1999  Holiday gatherings are dif  ficult for Felicity and B en. Ben, because he has to work a party given by Mag gie's husba nd, and Felicity feel s pressure from an unexpected family  visit  and from D avid.  ------ ------- ----------------- ---------  ------------------ ------------------  -----  Seas on 2  , Ep isode  9: Portraits  Original Air Date —19 December 1999   Felic ity a nd Noel strug gle against  feelings for each other   while worrying  how their actions wi ll a  ffect thei r grade,  Ruby makes a surprise vi sit, Ju lie meet s a music producer,  and Be  n is on short-time to comp lete a final i  n American Lit.  ---------------- -------  ---- -------------------- ------------ ---------- ------- ----  Season 2, Ep isode   10: Gr eat Expe ctat ions   Original  Air Date—16 January 2000   Felicity&# 39;s  father acce pts a  position in town, and his  never-ending presence begins to grate,  Ben r econsiders h is decision  about Felicity, and  Julie begins to doubt the int entions of E rik.    --- ------------------  ---------- ------------------ ----------------------------- --  Season 2, Episode 11: H elp for the Love lorn   Original Ai r Date—23 January 2000  This e pisode, a tribut e to The Twilight Zone, follows  Felicity as she tries to hea  l her broken heart and strange doings at  The Clinic.   -----------------  ----------- --------- ---------------------  ----------------------  Season 2 , Episode 12: The Slump  Original  Air Date—6 February 2000  Ben and Felicity are  forced into counse ling for their prank a t the pool, Elena gets a ne  w lab partner, a nd Noel9;s argument with Ruby  is more serious than he thought.    ---- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ------------------- ----------------  Sea son 2, Episode 1 3: Trut  h or Consequences  Ori ginal Air Date—13 February 2000  -------------------------  ----------- ----- ----------- ------- -------------------- -  Seas on 2, Episode 14:  True Colors  Orig inal Air Date—20 Fe bruary 2000  --- ---- --------------------------------  -----------  -------------------- ----------  Season 2, Episode 15: Thi ngs Change   Original A  ir Date—27  February 2000  -- ------------ ----------------------------------- ------- ------------- ----- ------    Seas on 2, Episode 16: R evolu tions  Origi nal Air D ate—5 April 2000  ----- ----------  ----------------------- ---------------- --------------- ---- -------  Seaso n 2, Episode 17: Docuventary II    Original Air Date—12 April 2000  ------ ------------------- ----------  -------  ----- --------------- ------- -----------  Season  2, Episod e 18: Party Lines  Original Air Date—19 Apri  l 2000< br/>  ----------------------- -----------  ----------------  ---- ----- ---------------------    Season 2, Episode 1 9: Running Mates   Original Air  Date—26  April 2000  ----- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- ---- --  Season 2, Episode 2 0: Ben Was Here  Origina l Air Date —3 May 2000  ------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ---- --------  -------------- -------- --   Season 2, Epi sode 21: The Aret ha Theory  Original  Air  Date—10 Ma y 2000   --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- --------------------  Seaso n 2, Episode 2 2: Fin al A nswer  Original  Air Date—17 May 2000    --------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- ----------------- --  Se ason 2, Episode 23: The Biggest De al There Is  Or iginal  Air Date —24 May 2000  安画轻叹了一口气,“她在我的面前,从来没有放开过,哪怕喝水,也小心翼翼地只沾个唇。她和夏正明确关系 以来,表面上,纯阳宗是得了丹堂的一些照应,但是,以她和夏正的关系,如果有心,元一百灵丹 与骷髅蝗的真正关系,我觉 得,完全可以弄来。 收起


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