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  Season 2, E pisode 1: Sophomoric   Origi  nal Air Dat e—26 September 1999   Felicity start s her second  year a t col lege with a possible n ew relati  onship, and the after  math  of he r de cision  to cope with. Elsewhere, hou sing  shortages c  ause unusual living ar  range  ments.    ---  --------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------   Season 2,  Episode 2: The List  Ori ginal Air   Date—3 Oc tober 1999  Ben w orries  about  Felicity 9;s ex pectations of him,  Sean an  d Julie  thro w a party, and Felicity tries unsucc essfully to couns  el one of  her charges.  -------------- ------ ----------------------------------  -------- ---- ----------- ---  S eason 2, Episode 3 : Ancient H istory  Original Air Date— 10 October  1999  Felici ty&#  39;s deci sion about her hair  leads to even  more life changes, J ulie loo ks for  an ap artm ent, and N oel takes an art cla ss.  -  ------------ -------------------------- ---------- -------- ------- ------ ----------  Season  2, Episode 4: The Depths   Original Air Date—17 Octobe r 19 99  A st alled subway   train forc es F elicity  and Julie to confront each other, Noel an d Ru by go to an art sh ow, and Ben stands up to a client.  -------------------------  ---- ------------------------------ ----- --------- -------    Season 2,  Episode 5:  Crash   Original Air Date—24 Octobe r 199 9   Noel  and Elena becom e obsessed w ith a video game, Felicity goes ou t on a blind date s et up by her profess  or, and Ben is  confused  by Ma ggie&#  39;s actions.   -- --------------- --------------------  ----------------- ----- ---------------------  Se ason 2, Episode 6:  The Love Bu g  Orig inal Air Date—7 November 1999     Felicity, Ben, and Noel each de al with  uncertaint ies in their indivi dual relationships, a nd Mono hits campu s just  in tim e for mid-terms.  -------  ---------------------- ----  ----------------- ------  --------- ------------- --   Season 2 , Epi sode 7: Gett ing Lucky  Origina l Air Date—14 Nove mber 1999  A stray d og Felicity pick  s up on the street im pinges on everyone';s lives,  and provides he  r with plen ty of excuses for no  t taking  the next step w ith David.  ------------- ---- ------------ --------- --------------------- --------  -------------< br/>  Season 2, Episode 8: Family Affair s  Origina  l Air Date  —21 November  1999  Holiday  gatherings are  difficult for Felicity and  Ben. Ben, because he has   to work  a party given by Maggie&#39;s husband, and Felicity feels pressure fr om a n unexpecte d famil y vis it and  from David.   -------- --------------------------------- -------------------- -----  --------- -----  Season 2,  Episo de 9: Portraits  Orig inal Air Date—19  December 19 99  Fel icity an d Noel struggle against feelings fo r each other while worry ing how  their act ions will af  fect thei  r grade  , Ruby make s a surprise  visit, Julie meets a music producer, a nd Ben is o n sh ort-time to complete a final in  American Lit.   ---------  --------- ---------- ----------------  ----------------- ----------  -------  --  Season 2, Epi sode 10: Great Expectation s  Original Air Da te—1 6 January 20 00  Felici ty's fat her accept s a position  in town, and his never-ending p resence begins to grat e, Ben r econsi ders his decision  about Felic  ity, and Julie begins to doubt the intentions of Erik.  ------- -------------------- ---- -------------------------- -----------------------  Season 2, Episo de 11: H elp f or the L  ovelorn  Orig inal Air D  ate—23 January 2000   This episode, a tr  ibute to Th e Twilight Zone, follows Felicity as she tr ies to heal her broken heart and strange doings at The Clinic.  -- ----------------- ------- ------------- -------------------------- ---------------< br/>  Season 2, Epis ode 12: The Sl ump  Original  Air  Date— 6 February 2000  Ben and Felicity are forced into counseling for their prank   at the pool, Elena ge ts a new lab part ner, and  Noel's  argume  nt with Ruby is m ore  serious tha n he thought.  --- ------------- -------- --------- ---------------------- ----------------------  ---  Season 2, Episode 13: Truth or Consequen ces  Original Air Dat e—13 February  2000   ------ ------------ ---------------- ----------  ----  --------------------------------  S eason 2,  Epis ode 14: True Colors  Or iginal Ai r Date—20 February 20 00  ---  ------------------------------------- --------------- -------------------------  Season 2, Episo de 15: Thi ngs Change  Original Air   Date—27 Fe bruary 2000   -------------------- ---- ------------------  ----------------------  ----------- -----   Season 2, E pisode 16:  Rev olutions  Original Air Date—5 April 200 0  ------------------------------- -------------- -------------------- --------- ------  Season 2,  Episode 17: Do cuventary  II   Origi nal Air Date—1  2 April 2000  -----  ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------    Season 2,  Episode  18:  Party Lines  Original Ai r Date—1 9 April 2000  ------------------------------------- --------------- -------------------  ------- --  Season 2,  Episode 19:  Running Mates   Original Air Date —26 April 2000   -------------------------- ------ ------------------------- ---------------- -------  Season 2,  Episode  20: Ben W as Here  Original A ir Date—3 Ma y 2000   -------------------- -------  --------------------------- ---------- ------------ ----   Season 2, Ep isode 21: The Aretha  Theory  Ori ginal   Air Date—10 Ma  y 2000  ----------------------------- ---------------------  ---------- --------------------  Season 2, Epi sode 22: Final A nswer  Origina l Air Date—1  7 May 2 000  ---------- ------------------------ ------------------- ------------------- --------   Season 2, E pisode 23 : Th e Bigges t Deal There Is  Original A ir Da te—24  May 20 00  安画有些意兴阑珊地摘下一个储物戒指,“驻地里的传送宝盒被洪叔带走了,这 件事,我已经给你 们在天音嘱秘密留 言了,所以,他那边失却的东西,我管不了,这里的……是我们收 集的各方资料, 你好好看,也许对你有用。” 收起


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