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  On a rainy night  in 1928 in a  Pennsylvania factory town c  alled Iverstown, Martha Iver s (Janis W ilson), thirteen years old, is t rying to escape fro m th e guardianship of her wealthy, domineering aunt. Her friend , the s tree t-smart, poor Sam M asterson (Da  rryl Hic kman), comes for her throu gh her  bedroom w indow, but Martha's au  nt catches them . While Sam slips out un noticed, Martha hits Mrs. Iver s on the hea d, cau sing her to f   all down t he long stairca se and die.  Though Sam saw noth ing, the event was  witne ssed by Wa lter O' ;Neil (Mi ckey  Kuhn),  the son  of Martha 's tutor (Roman B ohnen), kno wn as Mr. O';Neil. Martha lies about the inci dent to Mr. O'Neil, and W alter supports her.  [5]   Mr. O'Neil su spects what happened but presents Mar tha's version  of events to t he police, that an  intruder is responsibl e; he make s use of hi s knowledge by havi ng her marry h is son. When the  poli ce ide  ntify a former em ployee of the aunt  as the murderer, the two O'Neils and Martha hel p convict him; h e is puni shed by hanging.[5]  E ighteen y ears  later, the o lder O' Neil has died. Walter (no w played by Kir k Douglas)  is the distri ct at torney, while Mar tha (Barbara Stanwyck) has used her inheritance from her aunt to build a large business emp ire. Their marri  age is one-si ded; he love s her, but s he does not love him.  Sam (Van  Heflin), n ow a drifte r and gambler, stops in the  small town by chance to have his car repaired   after an acc ident. Wh ile wa iting for re pairs, at h is old home, now a boarding house,  he me ets Antonia "Toni " Marachek (Li zabeth Scott ), who  has just b een releas ed from jail. She is l ater picked up for viol ating her prob ation by no t returning  to her hom etown. Sam g oes to see Walter, to  see if he ca n use his influence to get h  er releas ed.   Walter i s convinc  ed Sam has returned  with blackmail in m ind, giving Walter a motive to run Sam o  ut of town. When Mar tha  reacts with joy to the  news  of Sam9;s ret urn, Walter's jealousy provides  an additional motive . Wal ter forces  Toni to set  Sam up. Sam  is beaten  and driven out of t own,  but he is too tough t o be intimidate d. When all else fails, Walter makes  a half- hearted  att empt to kil  l Sam himself, but i s easily disarmed.  Martha t hen inadvertentl  y blurts out the couple ';s fears of blackmail, which prove to  be groundle ss: Sam says he did n ot witness the death. Martha breaks down and la  ments t hat he le ft without her all those years  ago, taking with  him her only chance for love and freedom.  S am is torn b etween his old   love and h is new. Alth  ough he  eventually  forgives Toni for betrayin g him, h e and Martha  spend an idyllic day together,  rekindling h is feelings for her.  Walter  arrange s to meet Sa m to f inally se  ttle matters. Before Sam arrives, Walt er gets d runk and  Martha find s out  about the meeting. When W alter falls down the stairs and is k nocked u nconscio us, Mart ha urges Sam to k ill him. Sam instead brings Walter aroun d. Martha  pull s out a gun  and threatens to sh  oot Sam in "self  defense" as an intruder.  However, Sam  gambles  that Walter will not b ack up her story; he turns  his back on her and leaves.  W alter embraces and  kisses his wife; the n he points the g un at her  midriff. Odd ly reliev  ed, she puts h er hand over his ha nd on the trigg er and presses. As she is dying, s he defi antly states her  name  is not Martha  Ivers, but Martha Smith. Outside, Sam he ars the sh ot. He runs  back t  oward the mansi on, but  sees Wa lter, h olding  Marth a's   body,  shoot him  self. Sa m an d Toni drive away together  .  说到这里,  木头人顿了顿,“你可能 不知道,我主人 一直怀疑,他们之中,有早就到这方宇宙的 佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个人智计无双,大家 一直查不到 他,可能 是因为,那人的修为远在他们之上,是对方隐藏起来的第三位圣 收起


无尽云1 量子云1


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