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  Frank Lloyd Wright i  s America's  greatest-ever architect.  However,  few people kn ow a bout   the Welsh roots that s haped his life and world-f amous  buildings. Now, l eading Welsh architect Jonathan Adams sets off acr oss America to  explore F  rank Llo yd Wright 9;s masterpieces for himself. Al ong the way, he uncovers t he tempestu ous life  story of the man behind the m and  the signif icance of   his radical family back ground .  In a  career spannin  g seven dec ades, Frank Lloyd W right bu ilt over 500 buildings, and changed the face of  modern architecture: Fa llingwater, the house over the waterfall , ha s been c alled the greatest house of  the  20th centu ry; the spira  lling Gug  genheim Museum  in New York reinvent  ed the art museum;  the concrete  Unit y Temple was t he first truly mode rn building in the world . But the underlying philosophy  that l inks all  Wright 's buildings is as important as anything he built.  Those ideas were rooted in th e Unit arian religion of Fran k Lloyd Wrig ht's mother. Anna Lloyd  Jones was born and  raised  near Lland ysul in west Wales and migrated t o America   with her  family in 1844, most like ly to es cape relig ious persecution . Her son, Frank,  was raised i n a Unitarian communi ty in Wisconsin, a  small piece of Wales in America. The value s he absorbe d there were based on  the sanctity of nat ure, the importance of hard wo rk, and the need t o qu estion convention and d efy it  where necessary. Wright' s ar chit ecture was  shape  d by, and expres sed, these beliefs .  Frank Ll oyd Wright set o  ut to create a new American architecture for a new countr y. He built his own  lifelong home in the v  alley h e was raised  in, a  nd he named it aft er an ancien t We lsh ba rd called Taliesin.  It was t he s  cene  of many adventures - and a hor rific crime. In 1914, a servant at Taliesin ran am ok and kille d seven people including Wrigh t's partner, Mamah Chen ey, and her  two young chi ldren.   Wright rebuilt his home and went on to m arry a Mont enegrin woman, Olgiv  anna Milanoff,  some  30 y ears younger than him. It was Olgivanna  who struck u pon  the idea that saved Wri ght's  career afte r the Wall S treet Crash and personal sc andal laid it low. She decided that her husband should take on  apprentices and that the apprentices should pay  for the privilege. The Talies in Fellows hip had a hands-on approa ch, wit h apprentices often buildin g ex tensio ns to Wright' s own houses, labouring and  cooking f or hi m. Somehow it worked , lasti  ng for decades an d nurturing hundred s of young talents.  Frank Lloyd Wrigh t died in  1959 aged 91 while worki ng on hi s fina l mast erpiece, New York's incompa rable Guggen heim  Museum . He  had been born  in the wake of the American  civil wa r, the son of a pionee r, and di ed a television celebrity, in the space age . He is buried in the shad ow of Talie sin, al  ongside h  is Welsh anc estors.  A 150 years after  his b  irth, Jon athan Ad ams argues  that Frank Lloyd W right is no w a vitally important fi gure who can teach us how to  build for a better  world. Wrig  ht belie ved in what  he c alled  orga  nic architecture; buil dings tha t grace the  landscape,  express an idea of ho w to li ve and res pond to indi vidual needs. This  bespoke approach - a  philosophy, not a s tyle - puts him at the  hear t of modern architectural thinking.  好半晌,他才放下玉简抬头看向陆灵蹊,“有这事。”他站 起来,走向另一边的玉架,从上面拿了一枚蓝玉制成的玉 佩,“当初主人 觉得,佐蒙人不会放过天渊七界飞升的一切生灵,但是人族寿元就那么多,人心复杂,他没办法因势力导,但是妖族 却可以。” 收起




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