  M artin  (John Amplas), a young ma  n wh  o looks ar  ound 20-years-old,  boar ds a train in Indianapolis, Indiana f or New Yo rk. At night, h e breaks i nto a sleep ing car and  sedat es a woman  with a syringe  full of n arco tics. She struggles, but he   tells her no t to st ruggle or be upset because  she wont feel pain. After a  few minute s, the woman falls asleep, and  Martin ha s sex with t  he uncons  cious woma n. Afterwards, he slices her wrists with a razor blad e so he can drink her b lood. The woman bleeds to  death  in her slee p.  In the mor ning,  the train    stop s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where Mar tin disembarks . He is  met by Tata Cuda (Lincoln  Maazel) an elderly and hostile old ma n who claims to be his c ousin from th e Old World.  Toget her, they tr avel by another train to the tow  n of Bradd ock, a dying industrial sub urb. T hey walk t o Cuda's large hou se where he shows  Martin his living qua rter s. Cuda the n accuses  Martin o f being  an  84-year- old vampire f rom his old c ountry. He has taken i  n Martin bec ause h e is family, but  tells him,  "First I will save y our soul. Then I shall destroy  you."  Martin denies being  a vampire and imp lies that Cuda is merely h is uncle  rather than his cousin. Cu  da then puts up st rings  of garlic on the doors to his and his g randdaug hter 9;s room,  and then h  olds up a s mall cros s wh en Ma rtin approac hes him. Martin takes a way the cross, and even takes a bi te of the garlic mocking  these attempts by saying bi tterly, &quo  t;There'  s no  real magic... ever  ". Cuda t ells Mar tin t hat he ca n co me and go as he ple ases. But he also warns Martin t  hat he will kil l him  if he kill s an yone  in Braddock  . He also t ells Ma rtin to  stay aw ay from h is gran ddaughter Christine (Christi ne Forrest), whom arr  ives home from  her job th  at evenin g.  Cuda introduces Christine to Martin, but also war ns her to  stay away f rom h im. But Christi ne instead strikes up a fr iendship with M artin who confides in her  about hi s vampire heritage. W hen Cuda later confirms  Martin';s claims t o be a vampire, Christine, n ot surp risin  gly, refuse s to beli eve either  one. She thinks that Cuda and  the  other members of her family have driven Martin to insanity by making  him think th at he is a vam pire. It is never revealed if Martin really is a vampire, or   just a shy  and lonely youth wi th trouble  d issues. Christine   is the only person that M artin gets the  courage  to talk t o. When Christine 9;s boyfrien d Arthur (T om Savini)  arrives at the house fo r dinner,  Mart  in sto ps talking a nd backs  away despite Arthur&# 39;s attempt at a  conversation.  Chri stine  later conf ides in Mar tin that she hopes to  leave Braddock someday with Arthur, e ven though Martin poi nts o ut that Arthur treats her ba dly and  is both verb ally and physically abusive towards her.  When  Christine sees t hat Martin won';t talk to anyone else, she buys h  im a phone which he  installs in his room. Martin beg ins to repea tingl y call a  radio talk show where h e describes what it's like to   be a vampi re. He b ecomes known on the radio as "the Count" to a ll the listeners . But the patronizing ho st (M ichael Gorn ick) think s he's just cr azy.   Martin get  s a job  at Cuda'  s grocer y sto re of  stocking shelves,   hauling box es around , and even g ets to  be a del ivery boy for some of the customer  s. O ne of hi s customer s is a certain Abby Santini (Elyane Nadeau), who becomes t  aken in with Martin. She is a very friendly  young wom  an who is dep  ressed whe n she tel ls Martin that h er husband is unfait hful. But Martin sti ll does  not have the nerve to talk with her , so she is happy to have som eone to confide  in with  her l ife problem s. M artin phones the radio show  host to describe his  infatuation w ith the housewife and senses  that she wants to have sex with him.  When the ra  dio s how host  asks Martin if it is a sexual problem that he has i nvolving wo men criticizing  him during sex, Martin rep lies that  he has never  had sex wi th a woman who was awake.  One day, Mart in travels b y train t o outsid  e Braddock  to look for victims. At a s  upermarket,  he follows a young  woman (Sar ah Venable) home to her posh  suburban house. He sees the woman's husband (Richard Rubenstein)  leave for a long business  trip, and  Martin dec ides this wou  ld be the right   time fo r more feeding . Martin returns to the  house after dark and breaks in through  the garage d oor.  But it is  Martin who gets the surpri se wh en he b ursts in to her bedroom to f ind her i n bed with he r adulterous lover Lewis (Al Levitsky). After a vicious  struggl e, Martin jabs both of them with h yprodermic n eedles with narc otics, an d waits for the drugs to take affect. He dra  gs the unco nscious  body of Lew is from the house to a clump of  trees ac  ross the st reet w here he kills him by shoving a broken tree b ranch into his neck  and drinks his bl ood. Ma rtin returns to the  house wher e he has sex with  the unconsci  ous wo man. But out  of compass ion and pity, he decides t o le t her live.  Martin begins to have romantic monoc hrome visions  of his vampire past (re al or imagined), where  he drained blood f rom a young woman an d was c  hased through the s treets o f a nam eless E uropean town by a torch-lit mob .  During one Su  nday at church, Cuda brings  home Fath er Howard  (George A.  Romero) who asks him about the poss ibility of exorc ism and  demon possessi   on. Father Howard call s up on the elderly Fathe r Zulemans (  Cliff ord Forr est, Jr.) over at Cuda 9;s request. Together, Cuda and Zul emans  con  front Marti n his bedro om and attem pt to perfor m an exo rcism on him.  At this po int, Martin remem bers (another real or  imaginary flashback), in t  he Old Country of p eople try ing to perform an exo rcism on him, and h e flees  them. Martin then flees from Cuda and Zu  elmas as we ll. A l ittle  later that nig ht, Mar tin terrorizes Cud a in  a children';s playground when he  puts on a Dracula cape and puts false fangs into his mo uth to pretend that  he really is a vam pire.  One da y, Martin finally musters the courage  to talk with Mrs. Santini d  uring a routine delivery to her  house  where  he tells her that he' ;s awar e of her attempts to   seduce h im and want s now to have sex with her . After having  sex  for the first tim e, Mrs. San  tini becomes  more d epressed for she tell s Martin tha t her husba nd just le ft her b ecause she disco  vered that she ca nnot be ar children,  and that her desires tow  ards him are based on sex and nothing e lse. But Marti n wants to stay w ith her and help her move on with  her life. Martin tells the radio show host about his affair wi th the hou sewife and that he no lon ger has the  urge to a ttack oth  er women.    Meanwhile, A rthur meets  with Cuda and tells him that  he wants  Christine to le  ave town with him so the y can g et married and st  art a family. But Chr istine becom es angry a t Cuda when he tells Arthu r that insanity runs in their fami ly and he shoul dn't conside r having  children with her. S  hortly afterwards, Christine packs up and leaves Bradd ock for New York  with Arth ur de spite Martin telling her that Arthur is abusive towards he  r. But her mind is  made up. Before lea ving, Ch ristine t ells Martin t hat she re ally has n o ill feelings to wards him  and just wants to mak e a fresh start with her life.  She says goodbye to him a nd promi ses to w rite. But   Martin knows that w ith an abusive and possessive man in Chris tine's l  ife, she probably  won't.  Depressed ove  r losin g his one t  rue friend , Mar tin phones the radio sh  ow host a nd tel ls him that he 's getting " ;shaky&q uot; and wants to  go out looking  for more  victims. Th  at nig ht, Martin travels to a r ough cr ime- ridden area of Pittsburgh and at tacks two derelicts i n a alley, injecting them wit h narcotics. H e kills one o f them  by silti ng the bum 's wrist a nd drinking  his blood.  Martin is about to kill the second one when a police car shows up and gives   chase. Martin narrowly escape s during a l ong chase  on foot which leads from th e garbage strew str eets and through a l ocal store. M artin runs into an old warehou se wher e a drug deal is go ing down. A shootout b etween the t wo cops and the three thugs begins  wher e all of the m are killed, le aving Martin as th e sole survi vor who ca sually walks away from the carnage.    One day , Martin f inds Mrs . Sa ntini dead in  her bathtub , after she had  slit her w rits with a razor bla de. Martin anonymously calls the police  to report the body and l eaves. He ph ones the  radio show host one fina l time t  o say that he really doesn't ne ed fr iends or people  to talk to for he  is his ow n person. But when Cuda learns about Mrs. Sant ini& #39;s   suicide, i s mistakenly thinks M artin killed h er and made  it look like  a suicide  as h  e's done before.  Cuda w alks i nto Martin's  room while he is as leep and kills him by hammering a wooden   stake th rough Ma  rtin's  heart.  Cuda buries  Mart in's body in his back garden, whi le over the  closing credits various voices from  people ar  e heard  talking to th e radio show host asking th e wherea bouts of "the Count" ;.  宁知意点头,“ 他现在每次来,都是从这里进。”说到这里,她想到什么,现场 给她复制了一枚玉简,“陆 望老祖参与了仙上楼三百六十八家的禁制改  造,他在各 店都弄了一个随机传 送阵,你记住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门 遇到危险,寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。 收起




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