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  Whi  le survey ing a telegraph line   in 1861, Western Union engin  eer Edward Creighton (Dean Jagger) is severely injured in an accident.  He is dis  covered by Vance  Shaw (Rando  lph Scott), an outlaw on the   run from a posse. Forc ed to trave l on foot after his horse was hurt, Shaw at first co nsiders stealing Creighton's horse , but chang es his mind and takes the man wi  th h im, s  aving his life.  Sometim e later, following his recovery, Cre ighton  returns to Omaha, Nebraska and plans  the constr uction of a telegra ph line from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Utah. Facing consid erable opposition to the line  from Confederate so ldiers, Indians, and outlaws, Creighton elicits the help o f his sister  Sue (Virgi nia Gilmore), foreman Pa t Grogan (Minor Watson), and assista nt Homer Kettle (Chill Wills).   Looki ng to put hi s outlaw past behin d him, Shaw arrives at Creighton& #39;s Wester n Union  office look ing for hon est work and is hir ed as a sc out by Gro gan who  is unawar  e of his past. Creighton reco gniz es him among the  men and a llows hi m to stay despite his suspicion  s. Cr eighton also   hires tenderfoot Richard Blake (Robert Young), a Harvard-educ ated engineer as a fa vor to Blake's father. Sh  aw and Blake  are both attracted  to Sue and vie for her attention, but their roma ntic riva lry is cut s  hort when c onstruction of the telegraph line start s on Ju  ly 4 , 18 61.  After wo rk commences on the line, one  of the men is kil led appa rently by a mysterious band of catt le-rustling Indi ans. Unconvince d that Indians ar  e to blame,  Shaw rides out   to investigate an d follows the rustlers ' trail to  the cam p of Ja ck Slade, a former friend and  cohort, whose gang  committed   the killing disguised as Indi ans—the gang Shaw  left following his last bank r obbery. Slade reveals that they are worki ng for the Confederac y to dis rupt Western Unio n because they believe the telegraph service will help the Union. Shaw rides a way an d returns to the line . Not wanting t o turn   in his former friends, Sh aw tells Creighto n that a  large band  of Dako ta Indian s stole the  cattle, and  recommends that  they s imply replace th e her  d and not risk a fig ht with the Indians.  So metime la ter, a confrontation takes place bet ween men working on the forward line and a band of drunke  n Indians . When one of the Indians tries to steal  some equ ipment,  a nervous Blake shoots him, i gnoring Shaw 9;s order  to remain calm. After word arrives that the ma in camp i s under attack by other Indians, th e Western Union men rus h back  to help with the def ense. At the main c amp, Slade's  men, who are  again disgu ised as Indians,  steal the Western Unio n horses. The company discover the ruse w hen one of the wounded Indians turns out to be a white man. Forced to buy back their st olen ho rses from S lade, Creighton beco mes suspicio us of S haw' s invo lvement, esp ecially when he admits  to knowi  ng the gang.  Soon the U.S . Army arrives and announces the Indians have now refused to a llow the teleg raph li nes to go through their territory in response to Bla ke's shooting of  the drunk en Indian . Creighton, Shaw, and Blake r ide out to convince Chief Spotted Ho rse to allow them to build the line thr ough Indian territory,  even though the man  Blake wounded was Spot ted Horse's son. Creighto  n is finally able to persuade the Indians to allow them pas sage, a nd work continues until the company a  pproaches Salt Lake Cit y.  So  metime later, Shaw  receives word that Ja ck Slade wan ts to meet  with him . On the  way t o see Slade, Shaw is captured and bound by Slade's me  n. Sl ade sa ys his g roup is go ing to burn down the Western Union camp and they do n't want Shaw to interfere. Af  ter Slade and h is men ride  off, S haw escape s from his ropes  but arrives b ack too late to pre vent the f ire. He helps rescue some  of the  Western Union men from the flames and burns   his hands in the  process.   After the fire, Creighton confront s Shaw for an exp lanation,  but Shaw does not reveal wh  at he knows and is f ired by Creighto  n. As S haw le aves the camp, he t ells Blake that S lade is actually Shaw' s brother a nd t hat he , Sh  aw, will fi nd Sl ade's g ang and stop them fr  om in terferi ng with the telegr  aph project . Shaw rides  off and fi nds Slade  and his  men in  a nearb y town. At t he barbe r shop, Shaw  confront  s his brother, whose gu n is co ncealed u nder the barber 's sh  eet. Sla de shoots S haw through the sheet. Shaw fights back in spite of h is wound, killing some of th  e gang members, and th en dies. Blake  arrives and continu es the fi ght with Slade who dies from h is wound s. Soon after, t he Western Union line is completed an d the workers celebr ate. When Sue laments the a bsence of Shaw, Creighton tells her that Shaw can hea r them.  说到这里,木头人 顿了顿,“你可能不知道, 我主人一直怀疑, 他们之中,有早就到这 方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个 人智计无双,大家一直查不到他,可能  是因为,那人的修为远在他 们之上,是对方隐  藏起来的第三位圣者。” 收起




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