  Ne w York private detective Dunca n " ;Mac&q  uot; MacLain is blind bu   t has keenly developed all his other s enses. He pursues his work assisted by his f aithful guide d og Friday, his butler, Alistair,  and his as sistant, Marty. Retired actress Norma L awry, an old  frien d, come s to Mac seeking  advic  e. Her hea dstrong 17-year-ol d step -daughter Barbara, herse lf a promising actress,  is enamored with her leading man in a sma ll theater production, the much older Lothario Paul Gere nte.  Paul, who  had once b een No rma's lover, has con vinced  Barbara that N  orma actu ally  wants Paul f or herself and has only marr ied her fa  ther Steph en for  his money. At Mac9;s urging  , Norma trie d to reaso n with Paul, but he insis ts that he loves Barbara and la ughs her off . Barbara is equally d isda inful of  her and  agrees  to meet Paul for din ner that night  at his apartment.  Norma 9;s h usband Stephen L awry is a scientis  t lea  ving that night on a trip to test  a secret i nvention on whi ch he h as been working fo  r the government and the war ef fort. Worrie d about Barbara, she u ses a pretext not to accomp any Steph en and goes to the apartment. When Bar bara arr ives, she finds Paul' s dead body and thinks that Norma has kille d him, even though Norma insists that he was dead when  she  arrived. B arbara threatens to call  the police  unless she  leaves St ephen . Fearing that a scandal  will  hurt him, Norma agre es. Nor ma then  turns to Mac, w ho goes to Paul's apar tment with F riday   and Marty, only to find the  body and the rug  under it m  issin g. A  man arrives to replace the rug and  Mac hides in a c loset, overhearing a telephon e call to Norma9;s numbe r from ";Gabriel" to "  Vera.& quot; Mac ac cidentally gives   himself away,  but with Fr iday9;s help overpowers Gabriel, w  ho refuses to talk. Mac has Marty hide  him to keep him und  er wraps.  Norma returns to her country hom e unexpect edly, which discourages a n espion age ring tha t includes her butler, Hansen, from b reaking into Stephen ' s safe a nd stea ling his plans. They have killed Gerente, who  was also a n agent, and hidden the body. Mac a rrives  with Frid ay at  Norma' s house  and pretends  to be h  er curm udgeonly  "Uncle Mac&qu ot; who has come for a visit. His blindn  ess lulls any suspicions Hansen might hav  e abo ut h im. Shortly thereafter, Barbara comes hom e from an  ";emergency rehearsa l", called to get her  out of the  house by her director , Cheli Sc ott, who i nvei  gles an invitation to spe  nd the n   ight  at the Lawry ho me. Unknown  to Barbara  and Norma, Cheli is the ringle ader  of the s pies.  Cheli ordered Paul  kil led  because   his affection for  Barbara w  as beginning to limi  t his effectiveness, and sh e imme diately suspects Ma c is  not   what he seems.  Gabriel  's wife  Vera, the La wrys' maid, is also a  part   of the plot. When Gabriel does not retur n home, Vera becomes hyster ical with worry. Mac secretly asks V era to meet him in the greenhouse, using her worry about Gabrie l as  a lure. She is observed by the others, ho wever, and is killed  by Hansen b efore s he can rea ch Mac. Th e spies cut the house's tele phone wi  res so that Mac and Norma cannot call the police , and Ch eli h as Mac locke d up under guard. Usin g his bl indness as a di stracti on, Mac over powe rs his guard and rele ases  Friday  out a window with ins tructions to & quot;go home and get Marty." St ephen arri ves home and Cheli thre atens his fa mily if he does not gi ve he r the final step in crea  ting his i nvention, which w  as not in  the safe. Barbara fin ally realize  s how muc h Norma ac  tually  cares fo r her. Mac tr ies to stall for  time, but is loc ked in the cella r. Whe n Hansen goes to kill him, Mac  has broken the light  bul b and his ad vantage of  total darkness hel ps him overcom e the s py. Marty and Friday r eturn with the police. When Friday is spotted by a looko ut, Mac overpowers him and is s  aved from being sho t by  another lookout by Friday. After the s pies ar e captur ed, Stephen and Norma are  off to Washington, D.C., with  Barbara re maining behind to  care for her  new  "  ;Uncle  Mac.&qu ot;  宁知意点头,“他现在每次来,都是从这里进。 ”说到这里,她想到什么,现场给她复制了一枚玉简,“陆望老祖参与了仙上楼三百六十八家的禁制改 造,他在各店都弄了一个随机传送阵 ,你记住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到危险,寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随时可定位 收起




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